Decision Model Innovation. Applied
Decision Avatar™. Concept

Decision Avatar™ is a concept that we offer our clients to improve their own product and service offerings in the context of Digitization & Artificial Intelligence. Our Decision Avatar concept is based on the following assumptions:
- Digitization in the form of artificial intelligence allows/requires us today, to make BETTER decisions FASTER.
- BETTER & FASTER decisions require us to ACCESS (i.e. gather and process) more and more INTELLIGENCE (Data, Information, Knowledge, Insights) but also to be PROFICIENT in multiple decision making FRAMEWORKS.
- While many artificial intelligence solutions today work already well in a very stable environment (e.g. cancer recognition on images - once an AI solution has learnt how a specific sort of cancer looks like it is very efficient in identifying this sort of cancer forever or as long as the characteristics of this specific sort of cancer remain stable), it is much more difficult to develop artificial intelligence solutions that can create real value in dynamic environments. In fact, many strategic, tactical & operational decisions in today's corporate world, society or politics must be made in a constantly changing environment. As long as humans are better in adapting to these changes than most artificial intelligence solutions, some human intelligence (in whatever form) will be required to improve (i.e. faster and better) decision making. Some people might also call this simply experience & expertise or wisdom.
- In addition, the preferences for most everyday and irregular decision making tasks in the private lives of people are similar but yet different (we call this sometimes "same, same but different"). This requires them to perform the same or similar decisions on a regular basis but always in the context of their personal and often changing environment.
- As a result, we believe that in the near future, we will have numerous DECISION AVATARS. These Decision Avatar solutions will allow people to train their personal preference patterns in many everyday but also more irregularly happening decisions to specialized artificial intelligence solution that will perform decisions on the behalf of each person and which will be regularly - or at least from time to time - adapted to account for changes in the relevant environment.
Decision Avatar. City MobilityImagine a Decision Avatar on top of Google Maps that incorporates my preferences on traveling in certain geographies (e.g. Metros vs. Cities vs. Towns vs. Rural Areas OR Switzerland vs. Germany vs. US vs. India etc.) with certain modes of transportation or that I normally prefer to walk the last max. 1.5 kilometers even if this means that I am 10 minutes later at the final destination. Paragraph. Zur Bearbeitung hier klicken.
Decision Avatar.
Customer Service Excellence

Imagine the owner of a hearing aid shop who has plenty of experience in matching the specific requirements of any customer with the wide range of hearing aid products that are actually available. Her/his problem is now the following: when he is out for lunch, on holidays or ill there is nobody in the shop with the same experience to provide the same level of advice than she/he can. A DECISION AVATAR (e.g. an AI solution based on Random Forrest & NLP) that would constantly learn from the shop owner how she/he selects the optimal hearing aid based the acoustic tests of the customer, the age, sex, and whatever else matters could then also support the shop assistant/people (with less experience in selecting the optimal hearing aid for any customer) when the shop owner is out - guaranteeing any customer at any time the same (high) level of customer experience.
Learn more about our Decision Avatar™ Product & Service Offerings here